Your one stop shop for everything handbags!

TRESLUX is an online company based in New York. Created by three lifelong best friends, Ali Pilao, Mary Sta Rosa, and Jayme Avila. Just like any other young adult, we love to go out, dress up, take pictures and have fun! One night while on FaceTime, we came up with this idea to start an online business. Since we all love fashion, we decided to focus on handbags and accessories. So we met up and created our business plan, worked hard everyday, and the rest is history.

Being that each of us have three completely different fashion styles, we thought it would be a great opportunity to combine all our expertise into one and create TRESLUX whether your style is vintage, chic, sophisticated, preppy, bohemian, etc! What makes our brand unique is that we offer a wide variety of unique and crazy looking handbags to make you stand out in a crowd. We want our customers to feel confident and different in a good way. 

At TRESLUX, we highly encourage women empowerment and becoming the best version of yourself. Our goal is to provide different kinds of handbags for each type of women to be able to express themselves freely with no judgement. What better time than today to support each other, right? After all, a purse is a girl's best friend, literally. It's one thing that we all can't leave the house without, so it is a MUST that we choose the perfect one for each outfit and event. Lucky for you, TRESLUX is here to help!

We are thrilled to have you guys join us in on this journey. We are working everyday to make TRESLUX your new favorite handbag source. This is only the beginning. MORE PRODUCTS COMING SOON!!

Follow us on Instagram!
TRESLUX: @treslux
Ali Pilao: @alipilao
Mary Sta Rosa: @marystarosa
Jayme Avila: @jayme__avila